A Rivalry, But Also A Community

I grew up in Stark County playing all these schools in sports. This is my fun way to create some exciting designs to celebrate each school. Enjoy!

Multimedia collage

Hoover Vikings

Hoover Vikings

The most awesome Hoover Vikings clothing in all North Canton is found... 

McKinley Bulldogs

McKinley Bulldogs

This is where you will find the best Canton McKinley Bulldog products!... 

  • Classic Polar Bear

    Find our vintage style polar bear character t-shirt in the Jackson page. You'll find many more unique items to love.

    They also make great gifts!

    Buy Now 
  • Classic Football Series!

    Check out our classic football t-shirt series!

    The style and look of these shirts has a vintage look that shows the legacy of our great local schools.

  • Viking Kids Shirt Design

    Check out our kids viking shirt. It's a more fun/cute style viking for young vikings!

    Viking Kid